I seem to be so busy lately with work and my studies - nothing new really but it's getting to me. I suppose because the end is in sight...my last essay is due in next week and then I'm study free til end of next Jan.
I want, no I need time for me. Just time to sort through the piles of paperwork, take stuff to charity that's been sitting in bags since we decorated the lounge, time to write out patterns I designed ages ago, time to read my blog list and forum posts, time to knit....time to think of nothing.
Sounds selfish??? I don't care anymore!!!!!
I need 'me' time!!!!!! Anyone who wants to join me from next Weds, you are more than welcome!!!!
February, mud and hope
2 weeks ago
I hereby give you permission to take as much tempus- meus as you need!
ReplyDelete( see, it's that better?)