Saturday, 27 June 2009

Hot enough for you??

I hope everyone has been enjoying the sun...although at times I've found it too hot and 'muggy'.

I havent been hand knitting due to the heat but I have been loom knitting. I've made 2 scarves and I'm on my 3rd one. I know, it isn't exactly the right thing to make in the summer but they are for my autumn/winter craft fairs and charity.

I love loom knitting because it is so simple and effective. It is also REALLY quick!

The 2 pink/purple scarves were made using 100g of fluffy cheap yarn each. I got 200g for £1.

The pink/yellow scarf, which is still on the orange loom, was the same price.

Length for the scarves is my height (5'4").

Although it is cheap, they are lovely and soft (bargains for charity knitting).


  1. the scarves look great, and loom knitting seems to be a good way of using eyelash yarn ( I find it diffiult to knit !)

  2. Definately the only way to knit using fussy yarns!!

  3. The scarves look great, but please, put me out of my misery. I feel a complete idiot but I have no idea what loom knitting is, please explain!

  4. Loom knitting comes in many forms. I have the basic 'Knifty Knitter' knitting looms. It's an old and traditional way of knitting without needles but produces the same look as needle knitting.

    Google loom knitting and you'll see there are various types of looms. Youtube has great 'how to' videos.

    Purling Sprite's blog in my blog list is one to check out for loom knitting.


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